Archive: September 29, 2023

Peringatan Maulid Nabi di SMP Al Furqan Jember

Redaktur: Tim Publikator SMP AF

SMP AF – Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan momentum yang sangat istimewa bagi umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Diperingati pada tanggal 12 Rabiul Awal setiap tahunnya, ini merupakan tanggal kelahiran Rasulullah SAW di Kota Mekah.

Maulid Nabi menjadi momentum yang sangat berharga bagi seluruh umat Islam. Perayaan ini menjadi ajang untuk mengenang jasa-jasa serta ajaran-ajaran yang telah ditinggalkan oleh beliau. Melalui perayaan ini, seluruh umat Islam diingatkan untuk menjadikan teladan beliau sebagai petunjuk dalam menjalani kehidupan di dunia.

Tak ketinggalan, SMP Al Furqan sebagai lembaga pendidikan islami turut meramaikan peringatan Maulid Nabi dengan rangkaian acara yang menarik dan syarat pembelajaran.

Kegiatan pertama, adalah tausiyah islami bersama ‘Momentum Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad saw.’ bertempat di halaman SMP Al Furqan, tausiyah dibawakan dengan ringan oleh Ustad Syaifullah. Pemaparan kata-kata yang mudah dipahami disertai kuis interaktif berhadiah dari Ustadz Syaifullah semakin menyemarakkan suasana. Siswa bergantian berebut menjawab pertanyaan dari ustad pemateri.

Kegiatan kedua adalah berbagi kue dengan sesama. Dalam kegiatan ini siswa disuruh untuk membawa kue dengan tujuan berbagi dengan sesama teman, dan menyisihkan sebagian untuk jamaah salat Jumat di Masjid Al Furqan.

Kegiatan yang ketiga adalah lomba pidato bertema Maulid Nabi. Satu persatu perwakilan dari masing-masing kelas membawakan pidato dengan gaya mereka masing-masing. Saling memperebutkan perhatian juri untuk menjadi jawara. Selain melatih kemampuan berbicara di depan umum, pidato ini juga dapat dijadikan sarana pembelajaran siswa tentang momentum maulid nabi yang sesungguhnya.

Sedangkan di tempat yang berbeda, dilakukan lomba adzan dan iqomah bagi kelas putra. Tujuan dari perlombaan ini adalah untuk menggali potensi siswa yang fasih adzan, sehingga bisa bermanfaat jika sewaktu-waktu dibutuhkan, baik di lingkungan sekolah maupun di lingkungan masyarakat.

Perlombaan terakhir adalah lomba tahfid. Masing-masing delegasi kelas membacakan ayat suci Al Quran dengan baik dan benar sesuai ilmu tajwidnya.

Demikian serangkaian acara peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad saw. Semoga menambah kecintaan kita kepada Nabi Besar, Nabi Muhammad saw.

Semarak Kegiatan Tengah Semester SMP Al Furqan Jember

Redaktur: Tim Publikator SMP AF

Senin-Rabu (25-27/9) pelaksanaan kegiatan tengah semester ganjil di SMP Al Furqan dilakukan. Rangkaian acara dan perlombaan dilaksanakan bagi seluruh siswa dan siswi SMP AF. Pelaksaan KTS ini adalah sebagai wadah ‘penyegaran’ dan penyaluran bakat yang dimiliki siswa setelah trimester awal pembelajaran tahun ajaran 2023/2024.

Pada hari pertama, dilaksanakan lomba smoothies untuk siswi kelas 7 dan kelas 9. Sementara kelas 8 siswi kunjungan industri ke toko oleh-oleh Primadona. Di Primadona, siswi diajak untuk berkeliling pabrik, kemudian mendapatkan ilmu tentang proses pembuatan kue olahan khas Jember, salah satunya adalah prol tape. Sedangkan siswa kelas 7 dan 9 melaksanakan perlombaan futsal, di halaman di SMP AF.

Pada hari kedua, siswi kelas 7 dan 9 melaksanakan perlombaan voli, kelas 8 putra kunjungan industri ke toko oleh-oleh Primadona, sedangkan kelas 7 dan 9 putra membuat kontruksi jembatan dari stik es krim. Di lokasi berbeda, yaitu di lantai 3 masjid SMP Al Furqan, 3 perwakilan dari masing-masing kelas bertanding dalam ajang cerdas cermat dengan aplikasi Quizizz.

Pada hari ketiga, seluruh siswa/siswi, menggelar lomba eco print. Eco print adalah teknik cetak dengan pewarnaan kain alami yang cukup sederhana namun dapat menghasilkan motif yang unik dan otentik. Prinsip pembuatannya adalah, melalui kontak langsung antara daun, bunga, batang atau bagian tubuh lain yang mengandung pigmen warna dengan media kain tertentu.

Setelah perlombaan eco print selesai digelar, segenap anggota OSIS menampilkan drama musikal bertema sekolah, pertunjukan musik patrol, dan beberapa tampilan lagu-lagu tradisional. Tepuk tangan bergemuruh selepas pertunjukan diakhiri, tanda apresiasi yang tinggi atas tampilan tersebut.

KTS berakhir dengan kegiatan bazar. Bazar yang dilakukan oleh seluruh kelas ini menjual aneka jajanan, makanan berat, makanan ringan, aneka bakaran, dan aneka minuman. Kegiatan bazar ini sekaligus sebagai media pembelajaran siswa, bagaimana cara menjadi wirausahawan, mengelola barang mentah menjadi makanan yang siap dijual, serta mengelola keuangan, dari modal awal sampai modal akhir beserta labanya. Dalam bazar siswa juga belajar menampilkan stand yang menarik, serta cara menarik pembeli dengan kemasan-kemasan makanan dan minuman yang unik.

5 Best Real Estate Chatbots & How They Work

An Ultimate Guide on Real Estate Chatbot in 2022

real estate messenger bots

Nurture the lead by being helpful, asking questions and offering solutions. During this stage, your bot is gathering data to help it assess the prospect’s specific need or intent. The average consumer, according to research, would rather communicate with a brand or service via bot than a live person. So, even if you have reservations about using Facebook for business, you really can’t afford to miss out on such a large market.

real estate messenger bots

But chatting is a low-effort and instantly rewarding way for them to reach out to you. To set up your ManyChat real estate bot, you need to make a Facebook Page before. And once you nail this simple welcome series, you can create more in-depth sequences in response to your prospects needs. Some involve coding, and some, like ManyChat, let you create your own without knowing any code. Save time when building Facebook Messenger and Website bots with Botmakers templates.

What does the real estate messenger bot cost?

Website and social media bots are a great way to target potential buyers in the real estate market. By integrating chatbots with marketing automation software, you can create custom target lists of people who are most likely to be interested in purchasing a home. You can also send them automated messages that will encourage them to visit your website or contact you for more information.

real estate messenger bots

If you are looking for a free chatbot for real estate, it’s a great starting point. Collecting leads is the first step in the long process of converting sales. Real estate chatbots are perfect for activating leads and turning them into happy homeowners or sellers. Once you’ve made use of lead sources for realtors, you should have an and primed to start leading down your sales funnel with your chatbot tool.

How Do Property Management Chatbots Qualify Lead?

The feedback gives you deeper insight into what your prospects are looking for. If you don’t plan your threads carefully, AI-automated conversations can leave prospects more frustrated than relieved. There are other sources besides Facebook that you can use to create a messenger bot. After all, a bot is really just a highly sophisticated software program. As a result, deciding what the bot will accomplish and which platform best supports those activities is crucial in putting together a strong automated chatbot solution. Apartment Chatbots can assist you by keeping track of all previous chats.

Windows 11 Adds Native Support For RAR, 7-Zip, Tar Archive File … –

Windows 11 Adds Native Support For RAR, 7-Zip, Tar Archive File ….

Posted: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 01:25:00 GMT [source]

This is not as full-featured or robust as Freshchat, Tidio, Tars, or Structurely, and it lacks the social media integrations of But all in all, if I was new to chatbots but didn’t want to waste my time (or my leads’ time), I’d give Collect.Chat a go. Tars has limited social media integrations, so if that is where you’re engaging with most of your leads, this probably isn’t the best option. I’d also say that the lack of transparency around pricing is frustrating. Finally, starting at $99 per month puts this tool out of reach for a lot of new agents. But there’s another reason stores have employees to help people find what they need.

What Is a Real Estate Chatbot?

They want to know if you might be a good fit for their transaction in the future. It’s faster, and more importantly, that’s what the clerks are there for. They might want to learn more about you, see what homes are on the market, and more.

Real estate agents say they can’t imagine working without ChatGPT now – CNN

Real estate agents say they can’t imagine working without ChatGPT now.

Posted: Sat, 28 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

They do not have to wait for a human agent to assist them in obtaining information about the property they are interested in. You can integrate the chatbot plugin with your website by using an auto-generated code snippet. You can also use an official WordPress plugin or use an app/plugin offered by your platform. If you are interested in adding a Facebook chatbot for real estate to your page, you should also connect the widget to your Facebook profile.

Real estate messenger bots can provide prospective prospects with a brief virtual tour through the bot itself if they are too busy to visit the property in person. This allows them to get a good picture of how the property will appear before booking a site visit. Assume that a visitor is seeking a new home to live in or that a possible seller wants to sell their unit.

  • Before you integrate a messenger bot into your sales funnel, you’ll need to map out a strategy that defines how your bot will function.
  • They may not want to call you yet for several reasons, but mostly because it’s more work for them.
  • As with any new technology, consumers are still getting used to conversational bots.
  • This could well involve the use of artificial intelligence with the integration of chatbots to interact with customers.
  • There really is no better way to reach prospective buyers and sellers than instant messaging.
  • Assume that a visitor is seeking a new home to live in or that a possible seller wants to sell their unit.

A workflow strategy outlines the specific stages and tasks your bot will perform at each stage of the conversation with a prospect. Real estate chatbots are crucial in giving customers exactly what they want by probing them with a series of questions and engagingly presenting pertinent information. This is in sharp contrast to traditional techniques of gathering data via long forms, which keep the user interested until the very end. Tidio is a forever free chatbot builder and a live chat platform for agencies and ecommerce businesses.

In general, real estate chatbots imitate human conversations, sending messages to clients using artificial intelligence and following real estate chatbot scripts. Primarily, real estate chatbots have gained massive popularity because they automate repetitive tasks. Chatbots are a useful marketing tool for real estate agents because they give buyers and sellers immediate answers. So if someone tries to reach you on Facebook, your real estate bot is there 24-7 to help them out. When it comes to conserving time, money, and other resources, real estate agents and clients can both benefit from lead generation and messenger bots. When it comes to online lead generation, messenger bots are proving themselves more efficient than any other marketing strategy.

Read more about here.

Agenda Rutin Jumat | Kegiatan Keputrian

Redaktur: Tim Publikator SMP AF

Kegiatan Keputrian

Keputrian adalah salah satu program rutin mingguan yang dilaksanakan di SMP Al Furqan. Kegiatan keputrian dilaksanakan pada setiap Jumat, bersamaan dengan waktu siswa putra menjalankan Jumatan.

Pekan ini (Jumat, 22/9) agenda keputrian diisi dengan kegiatan penyuluhan kesehatan, yaitu bagaimana cara menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan organ intim wanita.Mendatangkan langsung narasumber yang ahli dalam bidangnya, seluruh siswi kelas 7, 8, dan 9 mencermati pemaparan narasumber dengan cermat, yang bertempat di perpustakaan sekolah.

Diharapkan dengan kegiatan keputrian ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan yang benar tentang segala hal yang berhubungan dengan kewanitaan, serta memperluas ilmu fikih wanita dan bagaimana akhlak yang seharusnya dimiliki. 

Pelaksanaan ANBK 2023/2024

Redaktur: Tim Publikator SMP AF

Pelaksanaan ANBK hari pertama
Pelaksanaan ANBK hari kedua

Jadwal ANBK 2023 untuk SMP Sederajat dilaksanakan mulai hari ini, Senin 18 September 2023 sampai tanggal 21 September 2023.

Adapun jadwal ANBK 2023 untuk SMP Sederajat tersebut diketahui dari Peraturan Kepala Badan Standar, Kurikulum, Dan Asesmen Pendidikan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, Dan Teknologi Nomor 015/H/Kp/2023 tentang Prosedur Operasional Standar Penyelenggaraan Asesmen Nasional Tahun 2023.

Pelaksanaan ANBK 2023 untuk SMP Sederajat hari pertama ini dilaksanakan tes Literasi Membaca dan Survei Karakter.

Lalu pada hari keduanya, akan dilaksanakan tes numerasi dan survei lingkungan belajar.

Pelaksanaan ANBK 2023 diikuti 45 orang peserta didik kelas VIII dengan tambahan cadangan lima orang peserta didik menggunakan sistem online. Untuk Pelaksanaan ANBK dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 sesi, dengan perincian sesi 1 (07.30-09.40), sesi 2 (10.40-12.50). Dengan setiap sesi dimonitoring oleh guru pengawas luar sesuai subra sekolah. 

Terpantau pelaksanaan ANBK berjalan tertib dan lancar.

Kepala SMP Al Furqan Jember, Ustadzah Indriastutie menyatakan rasa syukurnya karena semua berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses sesuai harapan. “Alhamdulillah, pelaksanaan ANBK 2023 di SMP Al Furqan berjalan sukses dan lancar. Terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik dari tim ANBK 2023 SMP Al Furqan dan terima kasih kepada seluruh siswa/siswi karna sudah berusaha semaksimal mungkin,” pungkasnya.

Selamat, Evan Syarif Meraih Best Net dalam Bupati Cup II Golf Tournament 2023

Redaktur: Tim Publikator SMP AF

Banyak cara kita sebagai warna negara untuk meramaikan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia. Seperti halnya, Kabupaten Jember menyelenggarakan Tournament Golf Bupati Cup Ke-2 Tahun 2023 pada Minggu (3/9/2023) di Glantangan Golf Kecamatan Mumbulsari.

Bupati Jember Ir. H. Hendy Siswanto ST., IPU., membuka langsung dengan pukulan pertama dengan bola asap yang menandai dimulainya kejuaraan Bupati Cup Ke-2.

Dalam Bupati Cup Ke-2 ini diikuti oleh 120 peserta golfer dari Jember dan golfer dari berbagai daerah yang ada di Indonesia Acara ini diselenggarakan menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan rasa persaudaraan antara peserta golf, mencari bibit unggul bidang golf yang selama ini masih jarang bahkan tidak ada, sekaligus mengenalkan Jember kepada dunia untuk Jember yang lebih maju dan berkembang.

Tak ingin ketinggalan, salah satu siswa SMP AF yang sekarang duduk kelas 9, Evan Syarif turut andil meramaikan perhelatan golf tersebut, dan membawa pulang piala Junior Flight-best net Bupati Cup II Golf Tournament 2023.

Semoga penghargaan ini menjadi langkah awal nanda Evan untuk terus berprestasi lebih gemilang lagi.

AWS Support Engineer

Simplilearn’s PGP Cloud Computing showing any prospective employer that you have all of the tools and knowledge needed to do the job. This table compares various cloud computing programs offered by Simplilearn, based on several key features and details. The table provides an overview of the courses’ duration, skills you will learn, additional benefits, among other important factors, to help you make an informed decision about which course best suits your needs. Knowing a proper coding language integrates one’s skills as a cloud engineer.

“Most certifications from cloud vendors have a timeframe during which they are valid and you will need to retake the certifications periodically,” Wheeler adds. Scott Wheeler, cloud practice lead at Asperitas Consulting, says there are two major paths in becoming a cloud engineer. Over 3,000 companies and 40% of developers worldwide use HackerRank to hire tech talent and sharpen their skills.

Create a TechRepublic Account

Ambitious cloud engineers can move into architect positions where the scope of the responsibility is larger. You’ll tackle how multiple applications will operate in a cloud environment or address the ways an entire company will secure its cloud against internal and external threat. “Ten years ago, there were far fewer services in the cloud, but they were changing at a tremendous pace,” Wheeler says. A certification can be useful in building up technical skills and showing employers that you have a baseline of knowledge in the cloud space. If you’re new to the cloud space, try a foundational certification—like the Google IT Support Professional Certificate. Cloud computing is also a field that is expected to grow in the next decade as the UK continues to adopt cloud technology.

  • In some cases, a cloud engineer is often confused with a software engineer.
  • The cloud engineer has a ton of responsibility to play in the organization.
  • In 2020, there were 775,022 cloud computing jobs posted, up 94% from 400,500 jobs posted just three years earlier.
  • This tech skills platform offers a range of different structured learning options, but is focuses on cloud and developer skills.

Qualifications for a job description may include education, certification, and experience. With some experience under their belt, a cloud engineer often faces a crossroads in their career having to choose between two paths. As such, they need to be able to manage their time and resources effectively. They should also have experience with project management tools like Jira and Trello. This includes tasks such as adding and removing users, setting up permissions, and managing security best practices once the cloud has been developed.

Cloud Engineer Career Path: Practice (and Training) Make Perfect

The concept of cloud technology has been extremely ubiquitous since the commencement of the pandemic. Cloud-based technology is used daily, be it for music streaming or using an online email platform. aws cloud engineer Even backing up phone pictures via the internet is a fine example of cloud storage. The cloud engineer roles provide software updates on-demand to perform seamless data storage and backup.

10 Highest-Paying IT Certifications In US – India Today

10 Highest-Paying IT Certifications In US.

Posted: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 08:37:49 GMT [source]

For example, cloud network engineers provide support for corporate cloud-based networks, while cloud support engineers typically fulfill programming and risk management services. By contrast, cloud software engineers spend the majority of their time creating and updating specific cloud-based software systems that clients request. Cloud computing is a huge spectrum that consists of a ton of job opportunities. There are a plethora of job opportunities that come with cloud computing courses and help you to gain immense success in life. One of the finest examples of cloud engineer roles and responsibilities is maintaining cloud servers.


Cloud engineering is focused on the technical aspects of building and maintaining cloud infrastructure, while cloud architecture focuses on the design of cloud systems. According to Northeastern University’s website,, a graduate certificate can boost a person’s earnings by an average of 25%. If you have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field, you may be able to land an entry-level cloud engineering position. If you’re new to the cloud space, try a foundational certification—like the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900. IT jobs that can have cloud-related tasks include systems engineer, network engineer, and database administrator. If you’re already in an IT role, keep an eye out for opportunities to grow in these areas.

Many professionals work their way up to cloud engineering and beyond by gaining the necessary skills and experience. The next step to become a cloud security engineer is to gain experience in the field. You may begin in an entry-level position as an information security analyst or security officer. According to Glassdoor, you’ll need an average of five to seven years of experience with cloud computing or security to start working as a security engineer [2].

Once you have the necessary training, it’s time to start building your experience. For use by individuals or whole teams, Cloud Academy allows you to map out your learning pathway based on where you want to be by the end. Cloud training options include AWS, Microsoft Azure, and the Google Cloud Platform. There are many ways to do this, such as taking online courses or attending conferences. Let’s take a brief look through some of the average salaries you can expect to earn there in 2023. Just like many developer salaries, the pay-check for this position depends on many factors, such as experience, education, and location.

  • Mathematical, analytical, and problem-solving skills are a must in any technical role.
  • They also help in analyzing the infrastructure vulnerability of the cloud server and save it from any kind of external attacks.
  • Whether you’re just starting out or adding another certification, AWS can help you effectively validate your cloud expertise.
  • A cloud engineer job role focuses on debugging and deploying cloud-native apps and storage.
  • If you’re looking to become a cloud developer, you’ll need to have strong coding skills and be proficient in various programming languages.

Srikandi SMP Al Furqan dalam Ajang Direktur Cup XI 2023

Redaktur: Tim Publikator SMP AF

Politeknik Negeri Jember melalui unit kegiatan mahasiswa (UKM) olahraga kembali menggelar Direktur Cup-XI dengan mengambil cabang olahraga karate di GOR Perjuangan 45 Polije.

Open Kejuaraan Karate se-Jawa Timur 2023 ini diikuti oleh 972 atlet dengan 66 kontingen dari seluruh kabupaten/kota se-Jatim dengan 1.322 kelas pertandingan.

GOR Perjuangan 45 Polije (Politeknik Negeri Jember) menjadi saksi bisu, Srikandi dari SMP Al Furqan dalam usahanya merebut kemenangan. Adalah Anisa Larasati Eta Putri, salah satu siswi berprestasi SMP AF yang turut bertanding dalam pagelaran kejuaraan karate ini. Anisa, berhasil menumbangkan ratusan lawan tandingnya, dan pulang dengan senyuman, setelah dinyatakan berhak membawa pulang juara 2 Direktur Cup tahun 2023 ini.

Selamat atas prestasi yang diraih. Selamat berprestasi di ajang bergengsi lainnya.

Barakallah, Kenzie Bawa Pulang Juara 1 English Speech pada SPEC

Redaktur: Tim Publikator SMP AF

SMK Santo Paulus kembali menggelar agenda rutin tahunan yaitu Saint Paul English Competition. Acara yang digelar khusus untuk mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris ini membuka 2 cabang lomba yaitu pidato bahasa Inggris (Speech Contest) dan olimpiade bahasa Inggris (English Olympiad). Sasaran peserta lomba adalah siswa/siswi SMP/MTs Sederajat se-karesidenan Besuki (Jember, Bondowoso, Situbondo, Banyuwangi, Lumajang, Probolinggo), jenjang kelas 7 sampai kelas 9.

Perwakilan dari SMP Al Furqan dalam bidang speech contest adalah Kenzy Dandy Tanarko. Siswa kelas 9 putra ini berhasil membawa pulang juara 1, dengan mengalahkan rival berat lainnya.

Hasil terbaik ini tidak lepas dari usaha dan kerja keras Kenzy, dan bimbingan dari Ustad Yusron selaku pembina bahasa Inggris di SMP AF.

Selamat menikmati hasil, Kenzy. Selamat bertemu lagi di puncak prestasi lainnya.

Pembiasaan Jumat Pagi – Praktik Ibadah

Redaktur: Tim Publikator SMP AF

Dalam rangka penguatan karakter positif, SMP Al Furqan Jember melaksanakan program pembiasaan di hari Jumat pagi salah satunya adalah pembinaan ibadah praktik.

Secara terjadwal, siswa begantian mendapatkan pembinaan ini. Adapun yang diajarkan dalam agenda pembinaan praktik ibadah antara lain tata cara berwudhu dengan baik dan benar, praktik melakukan gerakan sholat, serta praktik mengucapkan bacaan sholat dengan baik dan benar.

Diharapkan dengan dilaksanakannya pembinaan ibadah praktik ini, siswa menjadi lebih sempurna lagi ibadahnya, mulai dari membersihkan diri sebelum beribadah (wudhu) sampai pelaksanaan ibadah kesehariannya.